Delta Paradise Pension - situated between the waters on a peninsula:
Oferim facilități moderne de cazare în Delta Dunării, pentru turiști și pescari, adulți și copii, într-o locație situată într-un peisaj mirific între lacul Razim și localitatea Murighiol, pe malul canalului Dunavăț. Incinta de pescuit la știucă ocupă o suprafață de 1500 ha de luciu de apă. Se poate pescui și de pe mal, în condiții decente, cu satisfacție garantată, sub privirile invidioase ale celor ce se relaxează la umbra teraselor sau a foișoarelor.
You can relax on the terraces, turrets, swimming pool, bar and restaurant:
The pension is equipped with swimming pool, bar, restaurant, convenience store, library, outdoor and indoor play and relaxation rooms, rooms with modern amenities: AC, LCD TV with satellite programs, fridge-bar, windows, Free WiFi with coverage for the entire location, both outdoors and in buildings.
We offer accommodation and trips to the Danube Delta:
For fishermen and their families, for larger or smaller groups of tourists, for the passionate lovers of the Delta or for those who visit it for the first time. We organize team building, fishing competitions, trips in the Danube Delta, private events.
We have modern facilities, available to tourists:
Swimming pool, modern fishing restaurant, playground and relaxation, convenience store, bar, WiFi coverage throughout, terraces, rooms with modern amenities: LCD TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, mosquito nets on windows. We rent boats with frames for rides and fishing.
This is winter:
În așteptarea turiștilor și pescarilor, non-stop. Peisaj de poveste, liniște deplină, temperaturi suportabile, taman bune pentru pescuit la copcă și de depănat povești pescărești în jurul meselor îndoite sub greutatea bucatelor.
Details of car access and boat transfer to Delta Paradise Guesthouse
Delta Paradise Guesthouse in the Danube Delta is located on Dunavat 1 Channel, about 15 minutes away from Lake Razim.
Delta Paradise can only be accessed by water. The Delta Paradise boarding-house and parking are located between the localities
On the road there is an indicator to the pier. From road to jetty (parking), there are about 4 km on a road that can be driven with the utmost confidence, without problems for cars.
The access to the town of Plopul can be made from Tulcea through DJ 222C, the localities:
Malcoci, Nufăru, Băltenii de Sus, Beștepe, Mahmudia, Murighiol, Plopul;
Agighiol, Valea Nucarilor, Colina, Sarinasuf, Plopul.
The road on both road variants is asphalted, running without road traffic restrictions, the journey time being about 40 minutes.
The length of boat transfer from the poplar jetty to the hostel is about 15 minutes.
The Dunavăţ dam can be accessed from Tulcea by DJ 222C, the localities: Malcoci, Nufăru, Băltenii de Sus, Beştepe, Mahmudia, Murighiol and Dunavăţu de Sus. The journey time is about 50 minutes.
The length of boat transfer from the jetty to the pension is also about 50 minutes. strong>